A minor cough or head cold for one baby can be fatal for a baby or child with SMA. Those with SMA are at high risk for infection and pneumonia. This is not because they have a weakened immune system. In fact, most have an immune system as a healthy child the same age would. Because children with SMA (type 1) do not have a cough strong enough to clear their lungs, secretions from a cold or other infections can become lodged in the lungs and lead to pneumonia. Viral respiratory infections such as RSV can often be life threatening. RSV is highly contagious and like colds, is more common in late fall and winter months. In a healthy baby this is equivalent to a very bad cold. For a baby with SMA, this can cause severe breathing problems and lead to hospitalization and death.
We always have to be very careful with what we expose Leo to. If anyone has had a cold, been around someone with any signs of a cold, or even has a tickle in their throat then we can not have Leo exposed to them. It is just not worth the risk. If we are going to be in a group of people we always make sure no one is or has been sick. We keep hand sanitizer right beside Leo in his stroller for people to use that may come in contact with him or want to hold his hand ect. We LOVE Leo getting to meet as many of his prayer warriors as he can! We just ask that everyone is always mindful of the consequences of Leo getting a cold.
We are always so very happy when someone tells us they have been around someone sick, or feel like they might be getting sick or just aren't sure prior to being around us or Leo. We also love summer and outdoor adventures. We are not looking forward to cold/flu season. It can be difficult not be able to do things because we have to be so cautious. But this is the best thing for Leo. We always want Leo to have every experience possible. We pray we can continue to find a balance in letting him be social and have new experiences while staying healthy.
This was Leo helping in the kitchen yesterday! He loves to help. He also loves numbers, and he wants to count everything we are doing or touching!
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